Sunday, April 28, 2013

Puerta la Reina


Walked thru babbling brooks n winds all day.

I can swear that the sounds of birds, wind, n waterfalls were the the angels singing. All it took was to listen.

A scripture caught me today. Jesus said "yet that u would deny me even the rocks n stones would proclaim God's greatness. The Camino is covered with ocks n stones. Today in their silence I heard their praise. The sounds of nature was like a chorus of angels. All things shout of the glory of God if I just "listen"

Listen. Listen deeply. Be still. God surrounds us.


Deacon Willie


  1. "...implored thy help..." Reading your words with joy in the heart of the message. Keep listening...and sharing.

  2. we look forward to your message every day. You are in our prayers always. We take your insights to heart. At times it seems a bit overwhelming. Thank you for sharing this journey with us.

    Bob and Maureen

    1. The rocks and the mud stay in there proper domain of Glorifying God! He placed them there to strengthen your faith, and ours. AD/MD

  3. Everything is bearable when done for the love of another. God bless.

  4. D.W. - We love reading your posts! Sounds like you are having an experience that will transform your life. We watched "The Way" the other night and the trail looks fascinating. We hope you are feeling God's providence and peace. Looking forward to reading more. We are praying for you!

  5. Ultreya!--my Pilgrim. Onward, supported by our continual prayers. Boy, I sure hope that you have time to take a few photos along the way so that we can live the journey vicariously.

  6. You painted such a lovely picture yet again with this post. Been thinking about you a lot since I last saw you. Cannot tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog, feels like we are all right there with you. What an amazing experience thus far!
    Praying for you Willie!! Jenny ( Haug ) Cook
