Tuesday, April 30, 2013

29 April 2013
Butterfly spirituality
Today we walked from Estella to Torres del Rio. It was a 28 km walk with only one challenging hike about 230 m in about 8 km.The rest of the way was a pleasant but long walk. We decided to walk longer so that we could shorten the 30k walk in store.
There are about 200 perigrinos walking in our wave along the camino. You meet some then some float in after staying an earlier albergue or new ones who are brutally hard walkers. Some are actually running it. Wow! I have found it particulary a gift to stay with the South Africans of Eric, Joyce, and Heather. They are dear Christians- kind in heart and gentle souls. We pray our way into the the day´s walk and share scripture and testimony along the way.
I stopped to add help to poor Lydia who was struggling with a poorly adjusted pack. While I helped her, I lost my little family. When I arrived at our midway destination I was doing some grieving over the loss of my little family. There would be not communication as to where they stop or how to connect.
I wasn´t lost. But I was opening myself up to being without theirreat company. It was painful thinking of that. Something like having a beautiful butterfly enter your life to enjoy it´s color and grace, only to have it float away.
That is how it is with God´s grace. It floats nto our life for such a brief moment to behold. Not something to hold or grasp regardless of how lovely it is. There are new butterflies to enjoy. They´re simply gifts to enjoy along the jouurney for but a moment.
Shortly after accepting the fact that I lost my wonderful little community, up popped Heather. A little later Joyce and Eric. We were reunited and how grateful I was that we could contine together again. They are such a fountain of spirituality.
For now, I enjoy my new found thought of butterfly spirituality. How beautiful the Holy Spirit is about adding gentle beauty and love messages along our way.
Look for yours. They´re there.
Deacon Willie


  1. Hi Deacon Willie - I am walking with you, living vicariously through your wonderful posts. Be vigilant and kind.

    Bev DeJovine

  2. Keeping up daily with you Wiilie! Praying for health & your journey. The joy of the Lord is your strength! God Bless!
    Amanda Murphy :)
