Friday, May 10, 2013

10 May 2013

Terradillos de Temlarios, just outside of Sahagun
Sahagun is the official halfway city to Santiago

Soul Music

Buen Camino

Today was a 30km+ walk. We intended to walk a longer one today, but an inviting side trip through the countryside led us down a long path with all kinds of possibilities of getting lost. No yellow arrow signs anywhere. We abandoned the adventure and backtracked which added several kms.

The trail today was level and easy travel. A simple, gravel, bike tail-type walk with an erie feel of traveling to Champain-Urbana. Nothing but flat farm fields everywhere. One could strain out in the distance and see a snowy mt peak poke up. It was very peaceful and inviting for and inward journey, for which I so definitely was.

First, a little background. I am so aware of so, so many family and friends who support me on this pilgrimage. I fear someone might be slighted by highlighting one over another. But for today's reflection, it behooves me to drawn attention to one gift-giver in particular. It was my very special friend, Dave Womac. For those who don't know him, he has a profound humility and an immense compassion for service. Nonetheless, he initiated a solicitation of anyone from church who would like to offer a digital copy of a spiritual/inspirational song for me to listen to while walking the camino. I have just now started to find a spot on the camino where I could listen to this overwhelmingly beautiful playlist. So much love in each song selection.

One in particular, God used to bless me today. An additional short intro. will help to clarify.

One thing da Mayor and I committed to, as parents, while raising the kids was that they would be required to learn to play the piano. Someone once said that "it puts music into your soul." The jury is still out as to whether we enriched or punished them with all that practice.

Each of children submitted, and they can all play, even today. How wonderful. Tony, in particular, found his gift in music. As an adult he could compose while he was playing. His mom and I would sit in arm chairs in the living room listening to him play on and on and on. We'd ask him, " What was the name of that one?" He'd respond, "I don't know. I made it up as I went." I know, Dad bragging, but, truthfully, he could effortlessly play for 45+ minutes with a melody that drifted from dramatic to a feel of gentle rain falling to a peace-filled relaxation. To say that he had a gift is an understatement.

When he passed away, the music died. The little, baby grand in our home does nothing but collect dust. All the music is piled up around the bench, and his music went silent.

Until today. One of the songs donated by the efforts of my friend, Dave, was by Philip Chapman, Keeper of Dreams, called Wisdom. The songs on that playlist, the melody, the deeply instilled emotion in that music, brought me back to the armchair concert of my sorely missed son. I was at one of his concerts again. This is the kind of music he would play for us. Of course, he played many others. But this was the genre of what he could compose while he played.

Praise God, today, his music was reborn in my soul. The silence I have had imprisoned caught a full wind of sail and filled me. The emptiness of his songs was consumed by this wonderful, wonderful 'soul music.'

This energized some deep emotion within me. I walked the camino crying uncontrollably as I took on a breath I haven't felt for 53 months. My glasses fogged, my breathing was like a whimpering baby, and my heart overflowing. It was all so life-giving and long overdue for healing.

Not to over think this experience, I wondered how this personal experience could help others. This thought surfaced: Everyone has their own special song. Call it the Song of their Soul. Admit it. Some melody, some particular words to a song are endearing to you. The song is a reflection of something you find dear deep within, dare I say, 'your soul.'

This led me to think. If the path 'to' the soul of a person is through their song. Then, the path back to a person is 'from' their song.

For me, I reentered our son's beautiful soul, through the melody of music he would play. The music carried his soul back to his dad's heart.

Here's a suggestion: Consider someone whom you love who has passed. Recollect what their favorite song was. I'm suggesting that if you were to listen to that song intently and repeatedly, I mean, really study it for why/what your loved one might have deeply connected within it, you'd re experience his/her soul again through their 'soul' music.

Memories of loved ones fade all to quickly. Items left behind help, somewhat. I found a deeper connection today in my son's music.

Heart-hungry for a connection with a loved-one who has passed? Grab a box of kleenex and their soul music favorite. It was life-giving for me. I pray it will be for you.

And, if you haven't made a final choice of a soul music favorite, choose one soon and share it with a loved one. If their ears can stand it, sing it to them and tell them why you chose it. On my short list is the song from our wedding, "What the World Need Now, Is Love Sweet Love."

I left today's insight gifts with some of Tony's favorites:
What's Goin' On and
Piano Man

His soul music filled an empty part of my soul.

Sahagun and beyond?

Sinus infection is back, ah
Knees and feet managing- Praise God


Deacon Willie

1 comment:

  1. Blessed reflection and gift to us all today DW - reading with tears in my eyes. Joyed to read of your soul song reconnect to Tony.
